July 2021
InnoSepra receives a Phase II DOE SBIR Award for bench scale testing of its Direct Air Capture technology.
May 2021
InnoSepra receives a Phase I DOE SBIR Award for its cryogenic CO2 capture technology.
March 2021
InnoSepra to Test Next Generation CO2 Capture Technology at Technology Centre Mongstad in Norway
July 2020
InnoSepra receives a DOE-NETL Award for developing materials for its Direct Air Capture Technology.
May 2019
InnoSepra receives a DOE-NETL Award for bench scale testing of its Second Generation CO2 Capture technology.
January 2015
InnoSepra received $1.50M in California Energy Commission Funding to Develop a Waste-To-Energy Solution in the Biogas Area…
March 2014
InnoSepra receives a DOE SBIR Phase II funding ($1.0 MM) for a CO2 capture project...
October 2011
Star-Ledger featured InnoSepra startup…
August 2011
InnoSepra receives a $3.5 MM Dept of Energy funding to demonstrate its CO2 capture technology at bench scale..